Sunday, June 1, 2008

Beavers Of Unusual Size

Okay. I realize that sounds really sick. Downright disgusting, for any of you with a dirty mind. And trust me. We made soooo many jokes about this camping this weekend. But that's what Fran and Chad said they saw. Beavers Of Unusual Size. B.O.U.S.'s for any of you Princess Bride fans out t here. Oh yeah. We also saw R.O.U.S.'s too. Rock chuggers or chuckers or something like that. They look like giant rats.

We asked Chad - the super outdoorsmen - if he'd ever eaten beaver. Roaring laughter. He says yes. Tess asks: Was it because you had to or because you liked it? More roaring laughter. We just couldn't help ourselves. It was funny every time.

Needless to say, it was a good weekend. Fun to get away, kick back, read, sip a few brews and bloodies (one too many, one day).

Fran, Tess, Chad, Joy and I all went camping just outside of Kremmling near Gore Pass. We found a great spot, near a roaring creek. But the creek was rushing too fast for Fran and Chad to fish. So, they drove about a mile above up and found this cool little swampish area, where the beavers had dammed up the creek in several spots, creating three different levels with waterfalls at each level. We checked it out tonight before we left and were all amazed by the beaver's home. He seemd to have built a beaver skyscraper, or some sort of apartment building. It was huge.

I always thought beavers ate fish and used the logs they chopped down for their dams. Turns out, I was sorely mistaken. They actually eat the logs - and create the dams so they don't have to get out of the water (all the better to eat you, my dear). Pretty elaborate concoction just to grab a few bites of wood.

One last note: I'll never understand why people have to camp all up in your stuff, when there are millions of other good campsites. Why? Why? Why? Today, just as we were lounging and just beginning to talk about the fact that we had to leave, this giant motor home pulls up, ATVs in tow (sorry, a big pet peeve when you're trying to enjoy peace and quiet) and they park RIGHT NEXT TO OUR SITE. And waited until we packed up. What gives, hillbillies, what gives?

They were nice enough, but sheesh. There's a whole freaking wildnerness. And NO OTHER CAMPERS. Sure, we picked a nice spot. Duh. That's why we got there early. Don't they know: Finders keepers, loosers weepers?

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